116. Understanding the stages of weight loss

Season #3

In today’s episode I’m sharing the stages of weight loss including how to get your body prepared for sustainable weight loss, the different approaches to weight loss, the pros and cons of both, AND how to get started based on where you’re at without feeling overwhelmed. If you’re looking to learn more about how weight loss and body change works, this is a great episode for that!

Want to learn how to set your body up for sustainable weight loss? Join our “Spring into Weight Loss” challenge. In this challenge, we will outline the exact habits you need to create weight loss results including movement, mindset, and nutrition. You’ll leave the challenge with a tangible plan to get start on your weight loss goals. Challenge kicks off the week of March 20th! Join at

Set goals, accomplish your goals, and get ongoing support throughout the whole process so you actually follow through this time in our Wellness Academy Coaching Program. Learn more and join at