The #1 reason you're unable to lose the weight and keep it off...

Your relationship with food.


You’ve spent your life on and off diets only to hope the next one will work “for good this time”. Somehow you always end up with a big lasting dose of guilt, shame, and no results that stick around.

Imagine what it would look like to wake up and be at peace with food, no longer at war with your body, and confident in achieving and maintaining your weight loss results.


I know what it feels like to be on the messy, defeated end of a promising “perfect” diet plan. You set things up perfectly, prepare, muster up all the willpower you’ve got, and start on Monday. But life has a funny way of messing up that perfect plan and regardless of whether you lasted a day or a month or even a few months, you always find yourself back at square one.

I actually used to buy into this “perfect plan” mentality myself! As a beginning personal trainer, I’d send my clients off with a shiny new plan, tell them to follow it, and expect results each week. But, they weren’t getting results. Why? Because they weren’t following the plan. Why? Because we were trying to fit a perfect plan into an imperfect lifestyle and it fizzled out every single time life “got in the way”.

The truth is, you have everything you need inside of you to create lasting change and sustainable weight loss, you’re just missing a few key ingredients.

If you’re stuck in:

  • All or nothing mindset
  • Perfection mindset
  • Desperation
  • Emotional eating
  • Overeating
  • Body dissatisfaction
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Not trusting yourself
  • Inconsistency with everything


You’ll never experience true, lasting weight loss and you’ll stay forever stuck in what we call the vicious diet cycle always searching for the next magic diet that will leave you disappointed every time.


It’s not your fault.



It’s not that you don’t have enough willpower. It’s not that you’re not motivated enough. You just haven’t been taught how sustainable transformation works. The path to living a life of health and wellness is NOT about being miserable on and off diets. It’s about knowing exactly how to work WITH your body to live the lifestyle YOU want to live. You see, the health and wellness industry has it all wrong. Weight loss doesn’t have to be about misery or restriction. It is about learning how to match your habits with your lifestyle.



Weight loss and ultimately living your life as A Woman of Wellness can and SHOULD be about enjoyment, simplicity, and ease.

And you’re here because you’re tired of it being painful, miserable, and ineffective.

That's where one-on-one coaching with me comes in!

1-1 coaching is the perfect next step if you’re struggling to make effective, lasting changes on your own. It’s an investment in YOU that will have a lasting ripple effect in every area of your life for the rest of your life.



  • You tend to exist in the “extremes”. You’re either fully on the diet and following the rules or you’re fully off the diet and binging on anything you can find. You WANT to find the happy middle, the balance, but you’re struggling to get there.
  • You’re sick and tired of thinking about food 24/7, 365. It’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up and the last thing on your mind when you go to bed (usually with associated guilt for not doing it “right” that day).
  • You’re tired of feeling like you’re in a constant battle with your body. You don’t recognize yourself, you don’t feel comfortable in your body, and you’re constantly trying to escape it.
  • You don’t trust yourself to feel safe and confident around food. The only way you know how to feel “safe” around food is by tracking it in some way. You’re too afraid to give up the tracking in fear of losing all control, but you’re oh, so tired of tracking!
  • You find yourself struggling to listen to or ignoring your hunger and fullness cues throughout the day only to find yourself starving and binging at night.
  • You’re overwhelmed by all the health information out there and don’t know what is “right” and “wrong”. You’ve tried many different approaches that don’t work and you feel discouraged about trying something else.
  • You want to lose weight without dieting but you don’t even know how that works! Maybe you’ve heard of intuitive eating and you’re skeptical of being able to lose weight without tracking and measuring food.
  • You’re horrified of gaining weight.
  • You’re ready to change for GOOD this time and have a truly enjoyable experience creating a life you love living as A Woman of Wellness.

What others are saying about coaching with Elizabeth...

Thank you! I am 110% sure I made the right decision to do this 1-1 with you... your guidance is so helpful and worth SO much!

— Amy

My response is different now. It’s not despair or feeling sorry for myself like before, but recognizing where I’ve gotten off and one, taking responsibility, but also wanting to make the changes because I want to feel good and want to have movement in my life etc. When I think about my wellness journey now, I see it in a positive light and something I look forward to continue working on, not a huge mountain to climb like it felt before working with you.

— Roxann

After coaching was completed, I felt relief. One word. Relief. The mindset shifts were the biggest things I gained. With continued effort I can keep moving forward with happiness and not just “getting through it”. You are fabulous and I can’t thank you enough for what I learned from working with you. I’m super excited to see your coaching and programs continue to grow. You have a gift!

— Caroline

I can’t recommend 1-1 coaching with Elizabeth enough! She meets you where YOU are at in your wellness journey. I struggled with overwhelm because it felt like I had sooo far to go to reach my goals. If you feel that way too, she can help you with that! I know it can feel like a big commitment when it comes to time, emotions, and finances, but it is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You deserve to show up for yourself and become the woman you want to become. Elizabeth can help you get there!

— Jacquelyn

You live a unique life and you need a unique approach... 


You now have a coach in your corner ready to help you create lasting transformation.

1-1 coaching allows us to dive deep into your unique struggles, setbacks, and stresses to help you create realistic goals that you feel good about with support EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

  • No more cookie cutter approaches.
  • No more struggling to do it on your own.
  • No more wondering if you’re doing it right or wrong.
  • No more staying stuck in your own head.

Hi, I’m Elizabeth

I am a women’s wellness coach, nutrition coach, and certified exercise physiologist here to help women make peace with food, make peace with their bodies, and develop sustainable wellness habits to live a fulfilled life as A Woman of Wellness.

As your coach, my superpower is to help you change from the inside out. When we change the way we THINK about things, we change the way we ACT. I start with helping you change the thoughts and beliefs you carry about your relationship with food and your body so that we can dive into changing the actions you take each and every day.

My #1 goal is to help you become the Woman of Wellness you want to become and live every day confident in who you are and where you’re going! And those results are just around the corner for you!


3 Components/Phases of Coaching



We work on creating a positive and trusting relationship with your body so that you can step into a place of nurturing it to change vs shaming it to change like you’ve done in the past. It’s time to feel good about your body mentally AND physically!


Your relationship with food is the #1 thing holding you back from making change. We will dive deep into food stories, labels, emotional eating, binging and restricting, and ultimately release all your anxiety and fear around food to give you confidence!


We create sustainable habits to fit YOUR lifestyle and goals. You wake up every morning LIVING your life as A Woman of Wellness who is confident, energized, and shows up in a big way for her life. You have what you need and you’re ready to fly!

What You'll Get...

  • Twice-monthly 45-60 minute coaching sessions.

  • Unlimited Voxer (voice messaging) support between sessions

  • Helpful tools and additional resources specific to your unique needs

  • Support every step of the way

VIP coaching program costs $399/month.




If you’re nervous, hesitant, and maybe even a little excited about this opportunity, you’re right where you need to be!

The truth is, change never comes by living inside our comfort zones.

You don’t have to know everything right now. You don’t have to feel prepared. You don’t have to even feel like you know where to start. As your coach, my job is to help guide you every step of the way and I will meet you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE today to help you make the changes you want.

Your job is to make the choice to step into change today. The path will unfold from there.